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Berry Harvest Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette

I’m thrilled to partner with California Giant Berry Farms for this post. As always, all opinions are my own, but one of my favorite things (and there are many) I love about California Giant Berry Farms is that their non-GMO and naturally large strawberries are never sprayed with pesticides! My Facebook memory from one year ago today […]

Two Ingredient Holiday Party Appetizers


Thanksgiving is next week. Mic drop. I’m honestly stunned that it’s already the holidays, but also excited and ready to embrace them for what they are- time with family, counting blessings, chaos and a to-do list that doesn’t ever fully get checked off. In the next 6 weeks, Mr. KISS in the Kitchen and I […]

Crunchy Ranch Chickpeas and Fertility Foods Cookbook Review


November is one of my favorite months. It’s the month I start listening to Christmas music, the month it actually starts to cool down here in San Antonio and it also happens to be the month that I received this brand spankin’ new book, Fertility Foods Cookbook, 100+ Recipes to Nourish Your Body! Elizabeth Shaw, MS, […]

Red White & Blue Recipes to Honor America’s Veterans


This is a totally impromptu post and I’m getting a little more personal than usual (I know this is where everyone starts thinking I’m about to share something juicy). October and November have been crazy months and I’ve been a bit off my blogging game- struggling to either create content or honestly, I haven’t had […]

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