This special series on the Fruits of the Spirit is continuing on with a focus on peace and patience! I’ll be quick to admit that patience is not my strong suit, and that’s probably become more obvious since becoming a mama. My peaceful moments have also become fewer and farther between, but I’m learning to have peace about less peace.. if that makes any sense (insert monkey emoji that’s covering their face here). This holiday season is the perfect opportunity to practice being patient and to resolve to find peace even in the hustle and bustle.
Below you will find some amazing recipes that embody peace and patience. Peaceful recipes are soothing beverages or anything with calming ingredients, like lavender. Patience recipes are ones that require a little patience, such as slower cookers or overnight oats/bakes. Thank you so much to all the amazing dietitian bloggers who kindly submitted their recipes for this special series. Make sure to check out the love and joy recipes if you haven’t already!
Thank y’all so much for checking out this special recipe series! Since I do this Fruits of the Spirit Recipe Series every December, you can find all the previous year’s posts at Wishing you and your family a Christmas season full of peace and blessings!
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