Thank you, thank you for all the enthusiasm and support for this recipes series. My heart has just swelled with each kind word and those who have shared little pieces of their story in comments or messages… thank you. My heart beats and breaks with yours, I promise. You see, this series is slightly selfish in nature. This holiday season is especially challenging and this series is a way for me to share my heart and commit to focusing on the good stuff- love, joy, peace, patience, kindess, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And this week is all about kindness and goodness. Double portions, please.
Kindness. Can’t the world just use a little more kindness? There’s something about the word kind that really resonates with me. The word kind seems just a bit more sincere and heartfelt than nice or sweet. When I hear “kind”, I think genuine. There’s so many scriptures that reference kindness, but one of my favorites is the wisdom given in Proverbs 3:3, “Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.” I can’t think of a better season than right now to make sure kindness is written on the tablet of our hearts. The smallest acts of kindness can truly make a difference in the lives of strangers and loved ones alike, and the recipes below are some of the best DIY gifts created by some very kind and creative dietitians!
I’ve never thought to make Homemade Vanilla Extract before, but Taylor Wolfram from Whole Green Wellness shared her recipe! It’s perfect to use in many of these “kindness” recipes that call for vanilla extract!
Goodness. I looked at multiple definitions of the word, but this one really resonates….. “the BEST part of anything, essence, strength”. Another definition, simply put, is “a euphemism for God”. God is good- He is goodness. My favorite hymn, Come Thou Fount, has a line that gets me every time. “Let thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee” (Side note.. I totally had to Google fetter and it means “chain or shackle”). What a great thing to be bound to…. God’s goodness. And that’s just comforting! The recipes below are comforting foods…full of goodness and warmth for your heart and tummy.
That peach cobbler was ALWAYS my dad’s favorite. It’s rich, comforting and filled with goodness (remember that definition- “the BEST part of anything“)- it was always the best part of holiday gatherings.
A sincere thanks again to all those contributing to this series and to those reading- it’s been a blessing to create these posts and I hope they’re a blessing to you and yours!
And in case you missed it, here’s Week 1 on Love and Joy and Week 2 on Peace and Patience! <3 Shannon
16 Responses
These all look so amazing!! Esp. The Energy mix and the Avo Pudding, wow!!
Great post 🙂
Thanks so much, Abbey!
These all look so delicious, I think I want to try Dixya’s biscotti first! YUM!
Doesn’t it look amazing?!
It certainly could use a little kindness – especially right now! These recipes all look amazing. Can’t wait to try the Butternut Squash Caulfredo!
Kindness for the win ;). Hope you’re having a blessed December, Whitney!
Love this delicious line-up!
Thank you, Ginger!
Love this Collection! Your Peach Cobbler looks incredible! Can’t wait to try these recipes.
Thanks so much, Charlene! It’s a special recipe to me; many fond memories of enjoying it with my dad :).
Wonderful round-up. Loving this theme! Thank you for including my recipe 🙂
Thanks for your support, Julie! <3
Such a great round-up of recipes.. perfect for this time of year! I’ve loved checking out all of the posts for this series. Thanks so much for including my recipe 🙂
Thanks so much for your support, Kara!
Love this post! Kindness gets me in the feels too 🙂
Right, Katie? Hope you have blessed holidays!